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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Morning

The desert was beautiful this morning.

A perfect balance of sun and clouds.

Becca was "into" it.

As was Dr. K.

And Packrat.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Returning to the Chihuahuan Observation Center yesterday morning, the Beckster and I had a Close Encounter of the Third Kind with a mama Bobcat and her cub. Here's Mama looking at us through the brush.

Here are the two of them ambling off.

Check out the stubby tail on this baby.

A quick look to the left--and they were gone.

The Difference a Day Makes

Almost all of the snow was gone when Becca and I hiked around Tortugas Mountain this morning. Not one fleck on this Torrey Yucca.

No snow to be found here.

The east face of the mountain was all sunshine and light.

The Organs still had a little snow, but most of it was obscured by cloud cover.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Yet Another Snow Day

An overnight snow storm frosted Tortugas Mountain and environs last night.

It frosted the Organ Mountains, too.

A sea of clouds in the valley beneath the Organs.

Becca claims this is her best side: three black spots instead of just one.

A herd of Mule Deer--including the guy with the big rack in the middle--made its way along Tortugas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Rainy Day

Becca and I got spat upon this morning by rain clouds.

Puddles formed in every slight depression.

For Becca it was business as usual.

She's always up for the challenge.

A soggy desert scene.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dynamic Desert

The desert seemed magical this morning.

Becca thought so, too.

She's always looking for magic in the world.

There's a bit of it in this photo--see the mountain spirits?

Nothing mysterious about what this hawk is looking for.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Scenes

Hard to believe these are images from winter in the Chihuahuan Desert, but they are.

OK--so the snow's a giveaway.

Also, the Ocotillos are naked.

And Becca's wearing her winter coat.

And the ocotillos are naked--did I mention that?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Beauty

The Friday/Saturday storm left the Organ Mountains covered in snow.

Tortugas was without.

The Beckster struck a pose.

Closeup of the snow-covered Organs.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It started raining at 6:00 a.m. yesterday and rained all through the day and night. This morning there was a break in the weather, and Becca and I took advantage of it.

Plants were soggy, and the ground was extremely muddy.

The views, however, were stupendous.

Another spectacular desert vista.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Storm Watch

Becca and I spent a lot of time watching the skies this morning.

To the west, skies were clearing over the distant Potrillo Mountains.

But back east, over the Organs, the rain seemed imminent.

The Beckster thought I was too pokey.

She likes to forge ahead through the desert.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The wind made things look dynamic this morning, but it also abbreviated our hike.

When clouds are about, the wind makes for interesting shadows.

Looking west toward Tortugas's east side.

No blog post is complete without a shot of Becca--or so I've been told.

The gorgeous Organ Mountains outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Pretty Bird

This & next 3:  blooming yuccas Willow and I took a hike together this morning; Dr. K stayed home to get ready for our trip to the high ...