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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Busy Around the Mountain

Scattered clouds west of Tortugas
The mountain was pretty crowded with outdoor enthusiasts when Becca and I arrived for our morning trek.  But most people were headed for the mountaintop, and we were striking for the outback west of Tortugas.  Nevertheless, we still had four encounters with people on separate occasions:  two mountain bikers and two joggers.  Becca was good each time, moving off trail to lie in the "down" position until they had passed.  It made me feel like a pet guardian in control.  Of course, that doesn't happen all the time, especially when other canines are involved.
Heading along the western flank of Tortugas Mountain

Photo op along the foothills trail

Heavier clouds to the south (toward El Paso)

Break in the shade of a Torrey Yucca

Range Ratany (Krameria erecta)

One of Becca's favorite shade spots (a large Ocotillo)

"I love the flower girl . . ." (The Cowsills)

Mr. Lizard keeps a close eye on Becca and me

Venturing out of the Prickly Pear Cactus

Range Ratany blooming all over the desert

Two giant Ocotillos (12' to 15' tall)

Budding flowers on a large Barrel Cactus

Closeup of one blossom (fruit will develop soon)


Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of range ratany--what a weird name for a plant.

Liz Tipping said...

Lovely pictures. Love the one of Becca and the flowers and the Jack rabbits on the next one.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...