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Friday, March 21, 2025

Cardinal of the Desert

This & next:  today's moon
The wind was up a bit when we got on the trail this morning, but it soon abated.  Dr. K, Willow and I descended LDR-A arroyo and then made a wide detour so I could take photos of the Pyrrhuloxia (Desert Cardinal) we heard chirping west of our position.  Afterward we followed our regular route spotting along the way the woman in white whose dog Becca has had several unplanned interactions with; fortunately the woman and her dog were well east of us, so no meetups.

Monster yucca and mountains

This & next 4:  Desert Cardinal

Desert Primrose

Prickly Pear

Willow on break in the right branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Lovely photos of the Desert Cardinal. I especially like the one with its open beak.

Sabado sin Viento

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