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Friday, July 18, 2008


Dr. K, Research Associate Becca and I made a trip up to Soledad Canyon this morning--just about one month after the big fire in the Organ Mountains--to witness firsthand the restorative powers of nature. This first shot is a look back at partially-shadowed Tortugas Mountain (middle distance) from the Bar Canyon Trail before we reached the major area of fire damage.
If you compare this photo to the one taken on June 22, 2008 under the "Fire's Aftermath" post, you will see how the burned area has been rejuvenated in less than a month's time.
These sotols, which previously looked like toast, have already begun to sprout new leaves.
Prickly Pear Cactus, seemingly burned beyond redemption, display new growth (center).
Accordion-like sections of this barrel cactus are growing out, as evidenced by the green interiors.

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