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Monday, May 30, 2011

116 Days and Counting

Desert flora in the Tortugas Mountain foothills
116 days now without precipitation.  We keep hoping that 20% chance will materialize on Wednesday.  When Becca and I were hiking west of Tortugas this morning I kept wondering about the animals we saw out there, the White-Winged Doves and other birds.  How do they survive without water?  I know some animals (like the Kangaroo Rat) take all their moisture from plants, but other birds and mammals do not.  What about the deer--how do they manage?

I think I see a coyote

Two hikers plying the mountain foothills trail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The desert is an amazing place.

Friday's Bushwhack

Cactulabra We got an early start on our hike this morning, Dr. K, Willow and I following our usual route across to the left branch arroyo.  ...