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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Benson Canyon Trail

The start of the Upper Benson Canyon Trail
We did a new trail today, and boy was it a butt-kicker.  The Upper Benson Canyon Trail starts off dropping precipitously for the first mile or so, and all you can think while descending is "We have to climb this when we come back."  After we hit the junction with 5005A, the trail leveled off a bit heading down canyon.  We went about 2 1/2 miles in before turning around.  We wisely kept that final one-mile climb in mind.  Taking the last leg in several planned rest stops we were able to conquer it without being exhausted.  All in all a very good, aerobic workout.
Scoping out what lies ahead

Coneflowers and Aspens

Coneflower fan

Which way should we go?

Mulleins and meadow

Just getting started

Nectar lover

Stand of Aspens

Dr. K, all warmed up

Packrat and Becca

Good thing we had our Jeep on the Benson Ridge Road


Dr. K said...

It's always nice to do a really strenuous hike (just not every day).

Scott said...

More startlingly good images, Packrat; the "coneflowers and aspens" was my favorite. We're staring another heatwave today; I want to walk in the mountains, too!

packrat said...

Sorry to hear about the heatwave, Scott, but it's pretty hot up here today. We're 85 F. at 2:40 pm.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...