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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cathey Canyon Trail

Where the Rim Trail intersects the Wave Site Road
Today we explored a part of the Rim Trail we'd never hiked before, the section that starts at the Cathey Vista parking lot and later merges with the Cathey Canyon Trail.  We also hiked a section of the latter trail, which we'd never done before.  The Cathey Canyon Trail was poorly marked, though incredibly beautiful.  We found ourselves wishing that the Lincoln National Forest had been more diligent in creating blazes (or signs) for this hard-to-follow trail.  Nevertheless, we had a wonderful time hiking in the high forest area.  (Post I of II)
A wet remnant from last night's storm

Dr. K among the Aspens

Young Aspens on the Cathey Canyon Trail (T105A)

The hard-to-follow Cathey Canyon Trail

Mountain Wallflowers

Becca waiting impatiently


Tandem on a thistle

Thistle nectar must be good

Packrat, Dr. K and Becca breaking for lunch


Dr. K said...

Mountain wallflowers are becoming one of my favorite flowers.

Anonymous said...

re: Last pic
It's heart-warming to see a lovely couple so happy together:)

packrat said...


More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...