Climbing the stile |
Overcast sky--harbinger of the storm |
Juniper-studded landscape |
Becca in the ramada |
White Sands under a cloudy sky |
Cactus growing in rock |
Back at the trailhead |
Climbing the stile |
Overcast sky--harbinger of the storm |
Juniper-studded landscape |
Becca in the ramada |
White Sands under a cloudy sky |
Cactus growing in rock |
Back at the trailhead |
1st 4: across the desert to the Organ Mountains Less cold this morning due to slightly higher temperature and no wind. Sun was only half a...
I'm glad we were able to fit that hike into our busy day.
When Kali and I stayed at Ruidoso in 2005, we hiked in part of the Sacramento Mountains with forests of large Ponderosa pines interspersed with grassy parks; is any of that type of forest landscape accessible near you in High Rolls (cf. the low, scrubby juniper landscape)?
Have a good New Year's Eve!
If you consider 7 miles "near you in High Rolls," Scott, then, yes, we're close to that type of landscape, too. Just a short jaunt up Highway 82 takes us from an elevation of 7,000 ft. to just over 9,000 ft.
P.S. Happy New Years!
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