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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No Hike for Me Today

Because of a dentist appointment I couldn't do our morning hike around Tortugas Mountain, but lucky Becca got to go on a trek with the lovely and talented Dr. K.  I had to have my teeth cleaned and had the dentist take a look at a tooth that had a root canal done six months ago, which turned out to be all right.  The four views of the hummingbird were taken in our backyard, through the patio enclosure door (so the quality isn't up to snuff).  Because of high humidity my body feels like that of a geriatric, and I already crave tomorrow's morning exercise.

At rest on the cool kitchen tile

A look out our living room window in the direction of the arroyo


Dr. K said...

It's surprising that the hummingbird stayed still long enough for your to get those photos.

Scott said...

Packrat (and Dr. K): Our bird feeder tender volunteers put our two hummingbird feeders in our native plant garden a few weeks ago. (I would have thought that the flowers would have provided enough incentive for the hummingbirds, but I guess not.) Anyway, we now have 4 Ruby-throated hummers buzzing around the garden routinely, and the feeders have become a real tourist and photographer's trap; at any one time, there may be three or four photographers with turbo-sized telephoto lenses trying to "catch" the hummer action. Too bad I can't charge admission.

packrat said...

Scott: I love to watch hummers. I remember one summer when we lived in El Paso we put up a hummingbird feeder. In late autumn a Rufous came around and kept all others at bay. I've never seen a more aggressive hummer in my life. We had to take the feeder down, though, because the darned House Finches kept tilting it in order to drink the sweet beverage, and, of course, this spilled on the ground and attracted ants.

Less Cold

1st 4:  across the desert to the Organ Mountains Less cold this morning due to slightly higher temperature and no wind.  Sun was only half a...