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Thursday, August 8, 2013

When Acacia Blooms in the Desert

Getting started up the foothills trail
Hiking in this section of the Chihuahuan Desert this morning you'd have thought you were in a perfume factory, so fragrant were the flowers of the Acacia bushes.  No wonder then that acacia has been used for centuries in the production of perfumes and incenses.  And, according to some sources, acacia even may have been the "burning bush" Moses encountered in the desert.  Well, if he had been in this desert yesterday a bush isn't the only thing that would have been burning.  It was really hot.  Much better this morning.
Becca spots a dog with its human

Acacia flowering west of Tortugas Mountain

Fragrant yellow balls

Although impatient to keep going, Becca listens to the "Wait" command

A forest of Ocotillos (aka Buggy Whips)

Made in the shade


Scott said...

The desert's much more floriferous than I would have ever imagined.

packrat said...

"Floriferous"! Did you break out your thesaurus again, Scott?

You know I'm kidding. Anybody who reads the well-written and informative posts on our blog knows you are a true wordsmith.


Dr. K said...

I love the aroma of the acacia plants when they're flowering.

High Country Weather

Weather this morning Cloudy, chilly and windy this morning for our trek; nevertheless we took our usual high country hike before going back ...