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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Abundant Wildflowers

The upper trailhead of the Grand View Trail
We were able to get in a nice hike along the Grand View Trail before heading down to the lower desert this morning.  The 5 inches of rain the area got over the past three weeks has really had an effect; we have never seen it so green nor so overrun with wildflowers.  It truly was a spectacular experience.  Before heading down we stopped at the Draney Apple Orchard and bought two bags of apples.  Then we dropped into the general store for some soft drinks and to see what the new ownership has on offer. 
Heading up to the gate

Nodding Onion not quite fully bloomed

One of the many vistas of the Sacramento Mountains

Incredible numbers of yellow flowers


The halfway ramada

Colorado Four O'Clock

Looking back at the Rails-to-Trails ramada

Greener than we've seen it before

Heading for the lower trailhead

This and the nest two images:  Indian Paintbrush

Steep drop off to the left

Apache Plume

Pincushion Cactus



Yellow everywhere

What you don't want to see circling overhead:  vultures

The High Rolls General Store is open once again


Dr. K said...

Incredible photos of the Indian paintbrush, Packrat. You have outdone yourself.

packrat said...

Why, thank you, Dr. K.


More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...