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Friday, March 4, 2016

Odiferous Encounter

Here we go again
No, Becca and I didn't encounter a skunk on our trek this morning, but rather a young woman who was wearing so much perfume that a cloud of the stuff seemed to trail behind her as she and her male hiking companion passed us.  The cloud was so powerful it seemed nearly noxious, and almost made me retch.  Wearing that much perfume is bad enough in the city, but out in nature it's downright egregious.  Also, many people don't realize that insects are often attracted to sweet-smelling, flowery scents.
Black-tailed Jackrabbit doing a handstand

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (a true hare)

Red Head popping up in a Torrey Yucca

Exploring an arroyo

In the hills west of the mountains

View from the high hills

Arizona Jewel Flowers blooming all over the place

Closing in

Desert Chicory and divining rod

Who's eating the Prickly Pear pads (I'm guessing it's the Javelinas)

More Wild Rhubarb

I think this is Fendler Bladderpod

Cactus Wren


Dr. K said...

"Fendler Bladderpod"--that's some name for a flowering plant.

packrat said...

Also called "Popweed," Dr. K. :)

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...