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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Outback Explorations

Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus in shadow
Although it was 50F when Becca and I set off this morning it was quite chilly because of a persistent stiff wind.  Even when I removed my jacket in sunshine two-thirds of the way through our trek it still felt pretty cool.  After our long exploration in the outback, during which we took many photos of the omnipresent Claret Cup Cactus flowers (as you can see) we ran into our pal Jimmy down on the road to the mountaintop--where he was headed.  We talked for fifteen or twenty minutes before heading opposite ways.
Heading for low country

Claret Cups

Trekking the Cross Cut Trail

Stout Torrey Yucca

Two heads are better than one

Closeup of Yucca blossoms

This Torrey Yucca is over 6 1/2 feet tall


Desert Marigolds

More Claret Cup Cacti

Westminster Dog Show photo

Desert Chicory

How to get vaccinated by a yucca


Dr. K said...

Nice photos of you, Packrat! And I really like the first photo of the claret cup hedgehog cactus.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. I really did get inoculated by that yucca leaf. :D

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...