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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

RIP Becca

Today marked a sad end to a thirteen-year joyful chapter in our lives:  we had to say so long to our beloved Becca.  She was the most loyal companion we could ever have hoped for, a happy, playful dog who loved doing whatever we were doing--especially if it involved hiking. If there is an afterlife, dear Becca, we will all be reunited in that Great Desert in the sky.  Until then, rest in peace.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

We were so, so fortunate to have had Becca in our lives. RIP, my dear Becca.

Friday's Bushwhack

Cactulabra We got an early start on our hike this morning, Dr. K, Willow and I following our usual route across to the left branch arroyo.  ...