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Monday, January 2, 2023

Ride and Then a Hike

All pics save two are of the snowy Organ Mountains
Early morning rain (snow in the Organ Mountains) delayed our hike for hours; in the meantime I took Frio for a ride in the Jeep, stopping quite a few times for photos of the snowy mountains.

When it became evident that the storm had passed we returned home, and I decided to take both Willow and Frio on our daily hike.  Dr. K chose to remain behind.

The three of us descended from the steep hill west of Right Branch Arroyo into the arroyo, hiked down to the intersection with the left branch, trekked up to the crossover to the middle branch, descended that arroyo and hooked back up with the right branch.  The Heelers were off lead for the middle and last portion of the hike, and they behaved excellently.

Tortugas Mountains from Baylor Pass Road

Frio and Willow on alert


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful images of our Organ Mountains. My favorite is the 4th one you posted.

Not So Bad Hike

Desert scene When Dr. K, Willow and I left the house this morning weather conditions were bad:  windy and cold.  We expected the wind to be ...