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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Local Color

Cane Cholla flower (home)
Despite our lack of rain things continue to bloom in the desert.  Here at the hacienda I make sure that our plants have plenty to drink.  Since I hooked up the evaporative cooler, and ran the bleeder line off the roof into receptive heavy-duty hoses, there's been more than an adequate supply of water.  Our corner of the Chihuahuan Desert is naturally landscaped, and some of our plants are featured in the photos here.
Red Yucca (home)

Cane Cholla flower (home)

Desert Willow (home)

Desert Willow (home)

Desert Willow (home [not a true willow])

Cane Cholla blossom (home)

Resting in the sandy soil

Soaptree Yucca flower stalk (Tortugas Mt.)

Ocotillo flower (Tortugas Mt.)

On a dusty road

Hurrying back up the mountain

Listening to the "Wait!" command

Getting into the foothills

Spotting a jackrabbit

Look at that hare go!


Dr. K said...

The blooms of the desert willow have a faint but sweet scent.

Scott said...

Clearly the Desert Willow is not a willow; it almost looks like an orchid! Beautiful collection of flowers, Packrat.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. When the Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis [Acanthus family]) flowers drop the cottontails and jackrabbits have a feast. They absolutely love the sweet blossoms and will eat as many as they can.

Black-throated Sparrow Trek

Wils and her shadow It was cold when Dr. K, Willow and I began our hike this morning, but the absence of wind and bright sunshine made condi...