Morning sunlight apparition in the hallway outside my office |
Allthorn in bloom |
These wasps love Allthorn flowers |
What's Becca staring at? |
A Jackrabbit up on its haunches |
A hare ready to move out |
A very hot Chihuahuan Desert |
Morning sunlight apparition in the hallway outside my office |
Allthorn in bloom |
These wasps love Allthorn flowers |
What's Becca staring at? |
A Jackrabbit up on its haunches |
A hare ready to move out |
A very hot Chihuahuan Desert |
Back of the mountain |
A dead Kangaroo Rat on the trail around Tortugas Mountain |
Ahead of the pack of two |
Curved-billed Thrasher |
Becca (Mesilla Valley, New Mexico in background) |
How to get really dusty |
The trail from the Sunset Parking area |
The city of Las Cruces and Picacho behind |
Shady respite with sun behind clouds |
Tortugas and the Organ Mountains |
Hangdog look? |
I see a dragon who is looking to the left |
Cowboy in the hoosegow (Spanish "juzgado") |
Shady respite with sun |
The Organ Mountains |
What's over this hill? |
Eggsactly! |
What bobsled run? |
A lazy nap in our driveway this morning |
Utility poles at the Lineman School |
An eighth of a mile in |
The clouds that spat upon us |
A little over a mile in |
Shade break |
Hot desert |
Same scene (above) forty-five minutes later |
The tongue tells the tale: it's too hot! |
Pointed toward the southern reaches of the Organ Mountains |
Down a very steep trail |
Southeast of Tortugas Mountain |
Far east of the mountain |
Early morning sky Dr. K, Willow and I did another hike in the forest behind the cabin this morning. The weather, while warm, was variable; ...