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Friday, June 13, 2014

Wind Ameliorates Heat

What I thought was a flycatcher looks more like a Sparrow
The dewpoint was 58 degrees, the humidity 60% and the temperature 73 F when Becca and I set off for the mountain this morning.  With the blazing sun the weather conditions would have been absolutely brutal had it not been for the really strong winds, which acted like an evaporative cooling device on our bodies.  Becca got another bath today prior to our trip to the high country tomorrow.  We'll have visitors at our mountain ranch this time--my brother and his wife.  During their last visit--two years ago--we had an excellent time.
Cholla (Choy-ya) with fruit

On the trail back into the foothills

One of many shady respites

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

At least the wind helped cool both of you down a bit.

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