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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dynamic Foggy Weather

Inside looking out:  ice on my car window
Our local meteorologists were warning this morning about freezing fog and black ice.  They were not kidding.  We encountered quite a bit of black ice on our drive to Tortugas Mountain.  And the freezing fog had frosted a lot of desert plants.  The dogs Becca spotted and the young woman with them came out of the fog behind us like apparitions.  The woman and I talked about how dynamic the foggy conditions were; then she asked if the trail we were on led back to the Sunset Parking area.  I said it did.  I made Becca stay back while the three of them went ahead; otherwise Becca would have wanted to play with her two dogs.
Icy fog

Cactus Wren

Same Cactus Wren

Behind the fog, Picacho Peak

Foothills trail

Almost a rainbow?

Becca spots something through the fog

Still looking at something

This is what Becca spotted

There were two:  I think they were Vizslas

Crouching in her "herding" position


Dr. K said...

These photos are amazing, Packrat. It's hard to believe that this is the same desert you and Becca always hike.

packrat said...

I know, Dr. K. It was a mysterious wonderland out there.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...