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Monday, February 9, 2015

But for the Grace of God . . .

Becca spotted this guy and his two dogs miles across the desert
On Saturday morning there was a homeless guy with a shopping cart full of his belongings not far from the Sunset Area trailhead.  JC and I said hello to him on the return leg of our hike.  I was surprised to find him in the same place this morning.  He greeted me by saying, "Good morning."  I said, "Are you staying out here?"  He said, "For a few days."  When I asked if it was cold last night he said, "I was surprised by thermal breezes that kept it pretty warm."  As I continued my hike with Becca I decided that I would give him some money on my return, and midway on our route I got my wallet out and extracted a $5 bill, putting it in my pocket.  When we ran into JC later he told me he had already given the homeless man $5.  So when we passed him again I gave him the $5 I'd taken out of my wallet, saying to him, "I hope it serves you well."  He told us he was going to do his laundry later today.  JC said, "Well, I hope you get a hamburger, too."  The homeless man assured us he would.  He was a pleasant, intelligent young man, and I found myself feeling sorry for him and wondering about his plight.  He had an army jacket resting on his cart, and I wondered if he was a veteran.  I'm a veteran, and I know there are a lot of veterans living on the streets.  Really sad.
Hiking the high foothills

Dog at work

Back behind the mountain

The rugged Organ Mountains

Tortugas (left) and the Organs


Scott said...

You're a good soul, Packrat.

packrat said...

Aw, thanks, Scott. There are other times when an aggressive panhandler has approached me when I haven't been so kind. Those are usually the people roaming around the supermarket parking lot trying to hit everybody up.

Dr. K said...

I'm glad you were so kind to that gentleman, Packrat.

Our Little Mountain

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