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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pleasantly Cool Weather

The cold front that blew through yesterday lowered the temperature enough to notice the difference.  It was a pleasant change because when you live in the desert you don't want to rush into the hot season too soon.  We're supposed to warm up again starting tomorrow, but let's hope we have another cold spell or two before spring.  I'm sure people in other parts of the country (Boston, for example) would give their eye teeth (or a can of baked beans) to have the weather we're experiencing now.


Scott said...

The next five days here in the Piedmont are forecast to be brutally cold. I'm going to have to set up a makeshift heater in our unheated basement so the water line doesn't freeze where it enters the house from underground. (It has frozen before.) We haven't had temperatures here this low since 2004. This winter seems like it will never end. But, we haven't had much snow. As you said in the comments in a previous post, the folks in Boston don't know what to do with all their snow. During very heavy snows in Philadelphia, they load the snow into trucks and dump it into the Schuylkill River.

packrat said...

That sounds brutally cold, Scott. Don't envy you. I saw a report where Boston was considering dumping snow into the ocean, and an environmentalist was explaining how it needed to be dumped into deep water rather than shallow because of potential problems caused by the tides. Also, the environmental guy was talking about how dirty urban snow is, but admitting there wasn't much else they could do with the snow but put it into the ocean. What a headache.

Dr. K said...

I feel fortunate to live in the desert.

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