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Monday, February 2, 2015

Slightly Fogged Up

Again with the Cactus Wrens
There was light fog around Tortugas Mountain when Becca and I went on our hike.  There were quite a few other people out there, which was surprising for a Monday morning.  Also out in abundance--especially at a Yucca "forest" section of the trail--were a crowd of Cactus Wrens, the noisiest, feistiest, prettiest little birds around.
I must have a thing for these cute birds

It was busy communicating with a nearby friend

Anybody downstairs?

Heading down to the lower desert

Slightly foggy on the distant horizon

The haze is more evident looking back up the mountain

Tortugas Mountain fog

Light fog rolling in from the west

The misty Organ Mountains at right

I photographed this Yucca because I saw a baboon face in it

Do you see it, too?

Back toward the Tortoise


Scott said...

Baboon face--very imaginative!

Dr. K said...

Those cactus wrens are feisty and cute. I enjoyed those photos.

packrat said...

I hope you're not monkeying around, Scott.


packrat said...

Dr. K: Cactus Wrens always remind me of Heckle and Jeckle the way they interact with each.

Our Little Mountain

Crazy clouds on Willow's morning constitutional Dr. K, Willow and I took a very pleasant hike to the top of the mountain behind our cabi...