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Monday, August 20, 2018

All Quiet on the Western Flank

Upper foothills trail
Another morning of hiking sans Becca; she seemed a little less upset when I left her behind today, but she was glad to explore our arroyo when I got home.  I spent about 90 minutes on the west side of Tortugas Mountain, doing what I always do:  enjoying the exercise and looking for interesting subjects to photograph.  There was nothing particularly noteworthy, but I noticed some Allthorn plants are producing fruit, which desert birds absolutely love.  It wasn't too crowded on the Sunset side of the mountain, high temperature and high humidity the probable causes for keeping people away.
This and the next 3:  still-green Ocotillos

In the western foothills of Tortugas Mountain

Long view across the northern Chihuahuan Desert

Another long view

Manybristle Cinchweed (Pectis papposa)

The desert smells like lemon zest after Manybristle Cinchweed appears

This and the next 3: fruit of the Allthorn plant

Becca in the arroyo that runs alongside our house

She's happy to be exploring the desert again

Heading up the wide arroyo

Boulders placed in the arroyo at my direction

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I hope there's a lot of cinchweed that is blooming because I like its lemon aroma.

Pre-Wind Trek

Artsy tree The wind wasn't yet nasty while Dr. K, Willow and I were out there on our morning hike, but, boy, is it ever bad now (1:27 pm...