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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Back to the Inferno

View from our property in the early morning
We took a last hike on the Grand View Trail this morning before heading back down to the low desert, where the temperature is supposed to reach 95F today; also, there's a slight chance of rain.  Even though it was 62F when we started off this morning, our trek in the sunshine was pretty uncomfortable because the humidity must have been pretty high in the high country.  For the third day in a row we cut the hike a little short--this time to benefit us all.  Then we hit the road for the 90-minute drive back home.
Morning constitutional

What's that look she's giving me?

Threadleaf Phlox (Phlox mesoleuca)

I did a little climbing for perspective this morning

Dr. K and Becca heading down the Grand View Trail

Hedgehog Cactus in rock

The old railroad bed

Dr. K and Becca taking a shade break at the ramada

White Sands in the distance

White Sands again

Small-leaf Globemallow


Got pollen?

Shady spot to rest on the Grand View

Becca on break

A nice long respite

Not eager to get going

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Becca rested in pretty much every spot of shade she could find. The summer temps can be so hard on dogs.

Both Sides Now

Bird cloud The weather was much better when Dr. K, Willow and I did our morning hike; although it was somewhat cold the wind was not as bad ...