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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Rapid Heat Up

Becca just starting across the new trail
It seemed like a cool morning when Becca and I started off early on the west side of Tortugas Mountain.  Desert deception.  Not long after we set off we encountered a woman heading the opposite direction who had a light sweater tied around her waist.  "I thought it was going to be cooler," she said, "but it's really hot."  She was right; as soon as we broke out of the mountain's shadow the sun began baking us.  We did a bit longer trek than yesterday, though, stopping frequently in the shade to rest and drink water.  We were no worse for wear by the time we reached the waiting CR-V.  Guess I forgot to mention I'm about to retire the 1998 Toyota RAV4 after 20+ years of reliable service.  I'm going to donate the car to a worthy charity.
Further along the new trail

This trail was built as an alternate route down the single-track

This is the section the new trail bypasses

Trailing Four O'Clock

Looks comfortable, no?

Last of the blooming Barrel buds

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

I could spend a day trying to ID this dragonfly

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Interesting that the trailing four o-clock blooms down here in the lower desert, as well as in the higher elevations.

Both Sides Now

Bird cloud The weather was much better when Dr. K, Willow and I did our morning hike; although it was somewhat cold the wind was not as bad ...