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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Midweek Meander

Sandy area of desert west of the mountain
Becca and I did a fairly long hike west of the mountain this morning, doing quite a bit of bushwhacking to discover interesting things.  We found nothing of great interest.  But on the way back in we ran into our pal Jimmy, who Becca was delighted to see.  Jimmy and I talked for a fairly long while, during which time the Beckster relaxed in the shade of a Creosote Bush.  We discussed the weather, which hasn't been unusually hot the past few days, but it's been humid as all get out.

Scouting the territory

Ocotillo yellowing out

Narrow arroyo west of Tortugas

Becca's eye view of the arroyo

Becca headed the opposite way down the arroyo

Haven't been able to ID this plant

A type of Groundsel?

Wide arroyo on the west side of the mountain

Circus act

Road through the arroyo

A tall Torrey Yucca west of Tortugas

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I got a chuckle out of the photo captioned "Circus Act."

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