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Friday, March 26, 2021

Arroyos or Bust

Frio, Willow and I had a pleasant morning hike up to First Arroyo where we stopped inside for a bit before bushwhacking over to Second Arroyo.  As soon as we entered the latter arroyo the Heelers tried to spring into action, chasing not one, but two different Black-tailed Jackrabbits.  Fortunately I saw both hares just before the dogs did, and I was able to strengthen my grip on their leads.

Those were the only sentient beings we spotted during our outing today.  After the encounter we hiked west down Second Arroyo to LDR, and then followed the dirt road south all the way into the upper flatland where the CR-V waited.

Heading into First Arroyo

Heelers at rest

Willow and Frio

Tree in First Arroyo

High ridge, Tortugas Mountain and the Organ Mountains

This and the next 2:  bushwhacking across to Second Arroyo

This and the next:  ridgeline and the Organ Mountains

Last 2:  catclaw


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I can't help but always like every photo you take of Willow and Frio. I especially like the second photo of them that you posted today.

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