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Friday, April 5, 2013

Windy and Bone Dry

Hedgehog Cactus buds
I read recently that New Mexico is one of seven U.S. states running out of water.  We are in a prolonged drought, and it's taking its toll on desert flora.  Even some of the native plants on our property, which we water frequently with drip irrigation, are struggling.  So it's quite astonishing--though not surprising--to see desert plants blooming more or less on schedule. The weather was rather strange this morning:  overcast, windy, but warm enough to hike from start to finish in a short-sleeve shirt.
Something in the air

These Prickly Pear Cactus pads are truly dinner-plate size

Still locked on a scent

Flowers in bloom

These are Claret Cup Cactus flowers, though they're mostly orange

Claret Cup bouquet

One opening up, one opened up

Discarded bike chain

Down the road from Tortugas

Mountain biker

Mountain biking in the great Chihuahuan Desert

Becca and Ocotillo buds on the end of new growth


Scott said...

We were supposed to get a good dousing Thursday night overnight into Friday morning. The TV weather radar showed a huge mass of rain moving up from the south. Then, just before it arrived, the rain moved laterally east out to sea and we got a sprinkle on our windshields. Disappointing. We're right on "normal" for precipitation--for now.

Beautiful images of the claret cup cactus flowers. Our spring ephemerals are just starting to bloom, since this weekend will be the first real hint of spring we've been able to enjoy (mid-50s today, and mid-60s on Sunday). I just hope we don't go directly into summer.

packrat said...

Thanks for the comment, Scott. I'll admit to being a little tardy in commenting on your last few posts, but I've rectified the problem now.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...