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Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Morning Rain?

Looks like rain
For much of our hike this morning I wondered if we had a chance of being rained on.  A storm on the distant western horizon seemed to be headed our way.  The wind freshened out of the west, and we heard thunder often.  Then the wind shifted, coming out of the north.  The clouds disappeared, and the weather turned sunny and muggy.  We had a little storm yesterday--enough of one to make me shut down my computer--and I'm predicting we have a good chance of showers again today.
Looking for other hikers

On the horizon the Potrillo Mountains

Blooming Allthorn

Male Tarantula Hawk on Allthorn Bush

Small gray butterfly on Allthorn flower

Becca gets pretty close to a Jackrabbit (true hare) . . .
who's not too concerned because of his superior speed

Eventually he moves away

Check out the tongue

Rain on the western horizon obscures the Potrillo Mountains

A green northern Chihuahuan Desert

"Footprint" geode

Strawberry Pitaya Cactus flowers

Can't decide which composition I like best (this one)

or this one

The absolutely brilliant Strawberry Pitaya blossom


Scott said...

Cool geode! Ah, the vagaries of the summer monsoon.

Dr. K said...

You were right, Packrat--we did get some rain today. Very refreshing.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...