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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rim Trail Road

Becca and Dr. K at the end of our property
About a mile along the Rim Trail out of Parking Area 4 Dr. K, Becca and I explored a meadow we hadn't noticed before.  At the far end of the meadow was a two-lane road that didn't look well traveled.  We explored that road for several miles before turning around and heading back to the trail.  It was a new adventure that provided a lot of interesting scenery; and we were fortunate enough to happen upon a Sphinx Moth probing  with its proboscis an unopened thistle.
Helianthus and kids

Along the Rim Trail

The road we discovered

Sphinx Moth using its proboscis on a thistle

Same moth, same thistle

Huge fire ring

Examining a campsite

A tree that looks totally out of place in its surroundings

It couldn't be a Chinese Elm, could it?

Heading back on our new-found road

Indian Paintbrush



Dr. K said...

Beautiful photo of the mountain daisy.

Scott said...

More territory to explore! Is the road on national forest service land, or private land?

packrat said...

It's on national forest land, Scott. But we discovered after much trekking that it intersects the Sunspot Highway, the two-lane road that leads to the Sunspot Solar Observatory.

Less Cold

1st 4:  across the desert to the Organ Mountains Less cold this morning due to slightly higher temperature and no wind.  Sun was only half a...