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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Somewhat Brutal Hike

A very early shade break
Instead of heading to Cloudcroft for another subalpine hike this morning we opted for the Grand View Trail and part of the Bridal Veil Falls Trail.  Mistake.  It was brutally hot and humid at 7,000 feet.  I don't ever remember Becca taking so many shade breaks.  We spent a lot of time at the oasis where the footbridge crosses Fresnal Creek.  The excruciating trip was worth it from a photographic standpoint, though, as I was able to capture some images of Sphinx Moths and Swallowtail Butterflies.
Under the blistering sun

We took a detour to explore rocks

Cactus growing out of rock

Closeup of above cactus

Another cactus out of rock

Hedgehog Cactus growing in rock

Turkey Vulture overhead

Rock of ages

View across the Tularosa Basin to White Sands

Sotol and Juniper

Martian antennae

Check out the tail on Mr. Lizard


Sphinx Moth sampling Wheeler Thistle nectar

Bomber and fighter jet escort (lower left)

Looking over Fresnal Creek

Heading back


Dr. K said...

It was worth it for those butterfly photos.

Scott said...

Very nice images of the Sphinx Moths, Packrat. I know they're hard to photograph. We have very few lepidopterans here this summer; many people have commented to me to that effect, and I've certainly noticed it, too. Perhaps the severe winter killed off the overwintering immature stages and eggs, or maybe something more insidious is at work...don't know.

We just heard our first katydids on Thursday night, and the Joe Pye-weed and New York ironweed are blooming in our meadows--late summer is upon us.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. Yes, photographing Sphinx Moths is next to impossible--almost as difficult as taking pictures of nighthawks. At least the moths hover near flowers. Nighthawks are like "day bats."

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...