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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Turkey Day Rainout

This and the next:  raindrops on Tree Cholla fruit
As the blog title suggests, I wasn't able to get out for a Thanksgiving Day hike this morning due to the constant rain we've been having for the past day-and-a-half.  I thought, perhaps, I might be able to get out for a spell this afternoon, but it's still raining.  My hope is this system will roll out of here by tomorrow so I can resume my daily ritual of trekking in the northern Chihuahuan Desert.

Golden Barrel Cactus

A very wet Desert Willow tree

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the shiny raindrops on the tree cholla fruit.

Less Cold

1st 4:  across the desert to the Organ Mountains Less cold this morning due to slightly higher temperature and no wind.  Sun was only half a...