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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Another Swainson's Hawk Bushwhack

1st 2:  pair of Swainson's Hawks
We did a long hike this morning, bushwhacking out of the left branch arroyo over toward 4210 hill where the pair of Swainson's Hawks were perched on separate yuccas.  I took way too may photos of them, as well as far too many of a Cactus Wren who was building its nest in a yucca.

After our trek we took a long ride listening to Matt and Myron on their Sunday Morning show; those two are always good for quite a few laughs, exactly what I need in this dark period I'm going through grieving for Frio.

After lunch we walked Willow down our drive, along our street and up the arroyo beside our house; then we stood out on the porch while Willow lay in the shade keeping a lookout over our road.

This & next 2:  male Swainson's Hawk?

Local flora

The female Swainson's Hawk

This & next 5:  male Swainsy?

Mr. and Mrs. Swainsy

Prickly Pear

The Swainsys on the same yucca

This & next 4:  we watched this Cactus Wren nest-building


This & next 3:  Cactus Wren nest and wren

Prickly Pear

Say's Phoebe

Prickly Pear

Dr. K and Willow

Prickly Pear


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Fantastic photos of Mr. and Mrs. Swainsy and also of the Cactus Wren building her nest.

Not So Bad Hike

Desert scene When Dr. K, Willow and I left the house this morning weather conditions were bad:  windy and cold.  We expected the wind to be ...