This and the next five: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) |
Early this morning, while Becca and I headed up the trail alongside the arroyo just west of Tortugas Mountain, I spotted a large Red-tailed Hawk atop a yucca. It was obviously searching for some tasty rodent morsel to eat. The raptor was quite obliging as I took maybe 20 photos before it flew away. We had just started trekking along the upper foothills trail when a Coyote cacophony began to the west of us. The canids were really close by, and it sounded as if there were five or ten of them. In truth, though, as anyone who has ever heard raucous Coyotes barking, howling and yelping, a few can often sound like many; and, just as unsurprising, the nearby Tricksters you were certain you'd see simply never appear. That was the case today as Becca and I had not even a glimpse of them. Our effort to find them altered our course and led to an encounter with a Greater Roadrunner grooming itself in the morning sun and an American Kestrel who was hunting far west of Tortugas Mountain.

About to dismount |
Steep west side of Tortugas Mountain |
I'm sure I saw something move |
Anybody up that-a-way? |
Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)
Check out the color of those feathers |
Doing a lot of preening while we stood nearby |
Keeping a wary eye, though |
Roadunners are smart and powerful |
And what characters they are |
Huge old Ocotillo, Tortugas Mountain and the Organ Mountains beyond |
Becca crossing the Crosscut Trail |
In an arroyo looking for Coyotes |
Spent Soaptree Yucca seed pod |
Another morning moon |
My favorite Torrey Yucca |
This Barrel Cactus is nearly three feet tall |
Same Barrel Cactus, different perspective |
Heading back |
Jet over the Organ Mountains |
I love encountering an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) |
Giving me the cold shoulder |
Don't think I don't know you're there |
Just before takeoff |
Closer in look at the mountains |
1 comment:
Wonderful photos of the three birds. I especially like the photos of the American Kestrel
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