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Friday, October 24, 2014

West-Side Walkabout

Looking for hikers on the mountain
Not much to report today.  The Lineman School students were finishing up their third day of on-the-job training, and Becca is always extremely interested in what they're doing even though we're pretty far removed from them.  As an experiment I've compared the fourth image here with how it appears on my computer.  The "bluing out" of the shadow areas is definitely a result of uploading to Blogger.  I'm not sure why, but it's definitely the case.
Tortugas's shadow

Devil's Head (left) and a Hedgehog Cactus

Checking to see what the Lineman School students are up to

Down the giant slalom

Letting off steam

Hewing to the long loop road

Far west of the Tortoise (aka Tortugas Mountain)

Chihuahuan Desert in autumn

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That 4th photo looks as if it's been taken in the early morning before the sun has risen.

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