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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

20F sans Wind

After dropping the aliens off
It was ten degrees colder this morning than yesterday morning, yet, because there was little wind, it felt much warmer out in the desert west of Tortugas Mountain.  And, because I had no errands to do after our trek Becca and I were able to explore much more of the area in and around a major arroyo that drains the desert west of the mountain.  As usual we were trying to spot critters in their natural habitat, and, indeed, we saw many different birds and quite a few Jackrabbits.  No Javelinas, though, and no Coyotes like the one we saw yesterday.
Way up on the side of the mountain

Strawberry Hedgehog Pitaya

Spearing the moon

Another Hedgehog Cactus

Three-eared Jackrabbit

Really it's two Jackrabbits

Traversing a major arroyo west of the mountain

Becca the explorer

Looking back at the way we've come

Large Soaptree Yucca

Uneaten fruit of a Barrel Cactus

Mesquite Tree and the Organ Mountains

Becca needs to perfect her hide-and-seek skills

Yet another Hedgehog

Who's eating the Prickly Pear pads?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Really nice photos today, especially "Spearing the Moon."

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