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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Powerball Day

No exorcist needed
Yes, $1.5 billion finally convinced me to try my luck at the Powerball lottery, so after Becca and I did a moderately-long hike in the desert west of Tortugas Mountain I drove over to Albertsons to buy 5 "quick picks" at a cost of $10.  I almost never pick up lottery tickets so I rather enjoyed the experience.  I also bought a few items I'd forgotten to get while shopping yesterday, so when I mentioned to the checkout worker that I wanted to purchase tickets he pointed to the service desk and said, "Now looks like a good time since the line is really short."  And, indeed, only four people were ahead of me when I went over.  I told the woman selling tickets that I rarely buy tickets, and she told me that the same was true for her, too, but she was buying today.  She took my money and wished me good luck.  I wished her good luck in return.  Next to actually going to the trouble of purchasing tickets, luck, it seems, is all that's involved.
Cactus garden

The business of sniffing almost everything

Symbiosis:  Yucca and Ocotillo

Heading up a hill west of the mountain

Winter scene, Chihuahuan Desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's amazing the way that the yucca and ocotillo are growing up together.

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