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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Warming Trend

Headed down
Although it was cold this morning (22F), the absence of wind and the bright sunshine made the ambient temperature more than bearable.  I was able to take off ear protectors and gloves by the midpoint of the hike.  Becca, of course, removed nothing, content to experience nature as is.  We ran into our pal Jimmy near the old white shack at the bottom of the road up the mountain, and Becca was thrilled to see him.  She was even happier to see Pepper, her Blue Heeler buddy, who had just trekked up Geothermal Drive with her guardian Courtney.  Pepper and Becca played like dogs for a few minutes before Courtney headed up the mountain road with her favorite hiking companion.  Later Becca and I encountered JC and Olivia, who had just left their car at the trailhead and were setting off on their morning hike.
Not hiding in a bush, but on the trail

Where to find water in the desert

An arroyo that runs out of Tortugas Mountain (left)

Looking at Yuccas from one point of view

Looking at the same Yuccas from the other side

Heading down a wide arroyo

Further along the same arroyo

Bushwhacking through here

Becca, way ahead of the pack, me

Creosote, Ocotillo, Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A very social and pleasant hike this morning.

Sixth Day Solo with Wils

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