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Friday, January 8, 2016

Very Grey Day

Starting off under threat of storm
Becca and I got in a long hike this morning without getting wet, but afterwards--when we headed up into the Organ Mountains to get some photos from the Sierra Vista Trail--it was snowing slightly; and even though it was cold in the lower desert, it was REALLY cold in the mountains.  The wind contributed to the raw conditions at both elevations.  We saw no other outdoor enthusiasts in either location, and I can't say I blame people for avoiding the elements.
I've never been able to figure out what this geologic feature is

Cloud-covered Potrillo Mountains

Not wet yet

Anthony Gap between the Organ Mts. (l) and the Franklin Mts.

Organ Mountains obscured by clouds

Volcanic or mining activity?

Winter scene, Chihuahuan Desert

Wet red sand



City of Las Cruces

Part of Las Cruces and Picacho Peak

Up on the Sierra Vista Trail

In the clouds

Better head back, it's starting to snow

Homes in the Talavera community


Dr. K said...

Beautiful vistas, Packrat. It's nice that you and Becca were able to get higher up into the foothills of the organs.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. Pretty cold higher up, though. :)

Sixth Day Solo with Wils

From the trailhead Dr. K had an AAUW meeting this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily hike. We followed our regular route seeing no...