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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hump Day Hikers

Framed by an Ocotillo (left) and a Yucca
Becca and I did a really long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and it was warm enough for me to get by with just a vest over a long-sleeve shirt (I had trousers on, of course).  Although there were quite a few other people outdoors, we ran into only one guy jogging with a small dog on a lead.  This was at the end of our trek, and Becca really disappointed me by snarling at the small dog in response to its snarl.  Becca was off-lead, but she made no advance toward the dog.  I made my feelings clear to her by saying "Bad dog," which promptly resulted in her "I've-been-a-bad-dog behavior":  ears rounded on her head, tail between her legs, and a hesitant walk several feet behind me.  Since I can't stay mad at her for long she was over the chastisement by the time we got back to the car.
Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas

Light and shadow on Tortugas's west slope

Bosom buddies:  two different types of Hedgehog Cactus

Bend in the road and in the pup

Small Mesquite in a plain west of the mountain

Backward-question-mark tail

Taking a shade break . . .

. . . but still alert

Barrel Cactus in front of Soaptree Yucca

Blocking the sun

Northwest of the Organs

Amazing the things you find in the outback

Large group of Soaptree Yuccas

Large Ocotillo

Organ Mountains

Doing a split

Vast expanse of Chihuahuan Desert

Ocotillo tangle

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's impossible for you to stay angry at Becca for very long, Packrat. She's just too cute.

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