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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Another Frigid Morn

The wind was so cold when we started off this morning that I had to tie a bandana (a-la-burglar fashion) around my nose and mouth in order  to avoid breathing icy air.  I was able to remove it after a quarter of the hike.  The weather and the fact that I had to go shopping at Target and Albertsons compelled me to shorten our trek, but I wasn't sad to do so because of the raw conditions.  Becca, of course, never seems to mind the cold, and she was lobbying for a longer outing.


Dr. K said...

The right-side branch of that yucca looks like a shaggy dog.

packrat said...

You and your shaggy dogs, Dr. K! :)

Sixth Day Solo with Wils

From the trailhead Dr. K had an AAUW meeting this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily hike. We followed our regular route seeing no...