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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hazy Shade of Winter

In the high foothills
It was raining when we got up this morning, and the temperature was significantly cooler.  In fact, when Becca and I hit the trail west of Tortugas Mountain at about 7:30 it felt as if winter had returned to the northern Chihuahuan Desert.  We're headed for a low in the mid-30s tonight.  Mix in a cold wind with gusts up to 40 mph and it might as well be winter.  We're in for another day of this before the temps push back into the lower 80s on our way to even warmer temperatures.
Somewhat bleak for a desert

Yuccas still in bloom

Loggerhead Shrike on stilts

On a plateau north of the Organ Mountains

Long road to Tortugas

Puzzling sky

Headed for Tortugas Mountain

Getting closer to the Turtle

Where the mountains intersect

I can only think that high winds are doing that to the clouds

Same image, slightly different perspective

Dusting of snow on the Organs

Much further west now

Interesting geode

Yucca kachinas

Raindrops on yucca flowers

This way through the desert

Soaptree Yucca in full flower

Clearing to the north

Not so clear to the south

Destined for more rain

Soaptree Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice to have a bit of cold-ish weather before getting into summer. I especially like the photo "Raindrops on Yucca Flowers."

Humping Along

Ridge west of the Organs The weather was fairly pleasant this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I took our daily trek. During our outing we saw...