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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Becca's Bath Day

What are we looking at?
Becca and I did a fairly long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and all the while I was thinking that she needed to get a bath when we got home.  Fortunately Dr. K was there to help out, and we were able to bathe, dry and brush the Beckster in less than an hour.  She looks much whiter now.  Tomorrow she'll be lying in the sandy desert getting dirty all over again when we take a few breaks during our trek.
A reluctant subject:  Desert Spiny Lizard

I've googled extensively, but no luck IDing this bumble bee so far

Prickly Pear flower

Scaled Quail

Scaled Quail

Practicing a dance move

Bishop Cap on the horizon

Cactus Wren making noise

One of the most fragrant desert flowers:  Whitethorn Acacia

Rough Menodora

Soaptree Yucca and stalk

Closeup of stalk

Black-chinned Hummer on a yucca bayonet

Soaptree Yucca clones

Before bath

After bath

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The whitethorn acacia, along with the fragrant ash tree, are my favorite aromatic plants when they are blooming in the hot weather.

Humping Along

Ridge west of the Organs The weather was fairly pleasant this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I took our daily trek. During our outing we saw...