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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Visiting Cold Front

Ladderback doing what woodpeckers do
The awful wind that accosted us yesterday here in the northern Chihuahuan Desert was the leading edge of a hefty cold front that slipped in on the heels of blowing dust.  It left our area significantly colder; combined with a persistent breeze this morning it felt pretty darned chilly.  Fortunately I was dressed appropriately, as was Becca, and together we enjoyed a moderately-long hike in the outback west of the mountain.
Blackfoot Daisies

Blackfoot Daisies

Tortugas Mountain under cloud cover

Looks odd, but it's the small head putting up a flower stalk

City of the Crosses under cloud cover

Hairy Evening Primrose

Who's hiking on the mountain?

Who's hiking over there?

Claret Cups

The weather the cold front brought us

Breezy and cold

Scott's Oriole in a yucca

Same individual on an Ocotillo wand

Scott's Orioles have a beautiful song

How to bug a Marigold

Road around Tortugas Mountain

Claret Cups are still blooming everwhere

Wooly Paperflower

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a beautiful shade of yellow on the Scott's oriole.

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