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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sky and Clouds

As we were leaving home for our hike
Although it was 41F when we started off this morning the conditions felt colder because of an overcast sky; that sky gave way to partial cloudiness lasting for the duration of our trek up to Second Arroyo.

When we stopped to get a drink in our favorite spot in the arroyo the sun began to shine more brightly and the day warmed significantly, so much so that I removed my vest, stored it in the daypack and wore only my Marmot PreCip for warmth.

Dr. K and I felt overly warm on the return leg on LDR and up into the high flatland, but Willow and Frio seemed perfectly content with the weather conditions.

Wild clouds over the Organs

Inside Second Arroyo (Hey, Jer!)

Willow and Frio

From Second Arroyo

Road to the mountains illusion


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Spectucular photos of the sky and clouds. I think my favorite photo is the first one that you posted.

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