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Friday, December 11, 2020

Sunny With Wind

Frio, Dr. K, Willow
41F with 93% humidity when we started off this morning, the air still laden with moisture from yesterday's rain.  The desert floor was still wet from the precipitation, which made hiking in some of the sandier areas easier.

We hiked up to and into Second Arroyo, stopped for water and then bushwhacked over to First Arroyo, followed it back to LDR before heading south toward the waiting CR-V.

We saw only three other sentient beings during our morning trek, a woman running with her two dogs way below us near the Tellbrook Arroyo just as we reached our vehicle for the drive home.

All photos like this:  clouds over the Organ Mountains

Soaptree and the mountains

Soaptree Yucca and the cloud-covered Organ Mountains

Heelers with Dr. K


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the clouds hanging over the Organs. I especially like the last one.

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