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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Hummer Detente

This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs
For the first time in perhaps three weeks Dr. K accompanied Willow, Frio and me on the morning hike; it seems she's finally over the Covid infection that sidelined her.

We did our usual trek, and I was curious to see if the ocotillos were still flowering; they were, and several hummingbirds were still feasting on the flowers.  Seems the hummers had come to some kind of sharing agreement on the nectar because they weren't battling each other for sipping rights.

When we got home I had to replace the Jeep's rear door pistons which had failed on me last week when I was loading groceries into the rear compartment after shopping at Albertsons.


This & next 6:  Hummers at the Ocotillo flowers

Last 2:  Frio and Willow


Friday, September 29, 2023

Ocotillo Redux

Tortugas and the Organs
Willow, Frio and I hiked out to the same ocotillos that were flowering yesterday to see if we could find hummingbirds frequenting the blossoms.  We stayed for a long while, and, at first, it seemed there'd be no hummer joy.  Just as I was about to encourage the Heelers to move on, though, two hummers showed.

But I never got a chance to get a photo of the birds sucking nectar because they were engaged in a battle royale, chasing each other from branch to branch in an effort to vanquish the other from taking possession of the flowers.  I did photograph each hummer, neither image being a good one.

Willow and Frio
House Finches

And then Frio, Willow and I finished the rest of our trek.

Tortugas and the Organs

On the hill just east of LDR-A

Morning sky

Tortugas and the Organs

Soaptree Yucca

Creosote, Soaptree, Ocotillo and the mountains


One of two hummers near the still-blooming ocotillo

Second hummer

Ocotillo flower

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Happy Hummers

This & next:  House Finches eating yucca seeds
Willow, Frio and I did our regular hike this morning, and all--OK, just me--were surprised to see a few ocotillos still flowering.  Even more surprising were the two hummingbirds (probably juvenile/female Rufouses) fighting over the nectar.

Took a lot of photos of the happy hummers, but none of the image quality I was hoping for.  Oh well, maybe next time.

View from LDR-A

Interesting clouds and the flank of Tortugas Mountain

Prickly Pears and yuccas

The "O"s

Ancient Soaptree Yucca

Yucca stalks

This & next 8:  one of two hummingbirds feasting on nectar

Crab Nebula sky

Organ Mountains


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Hank the Hummer and Old Curved Bill

The weather felt a bit better for our morning hike; the temp was lower as was the humidity.

Willow, Frio and I followed our normal route, seeing no other human or canine nature lovers in the process.  We did have an encounter with a hummingbird at the ancient yucca, and, later, we met a cooperative Curve-billed Thrasher who posed for photos on an ocotillo branch in the middle branch arroyo.

Tried out a different fanny pack to carry water on this trek; it was OK, but I don't like fanny packs.

Soaptree Yucca

Willow and Frio in the shadow of an ancient Soaptree Yucca

This & next 3:  female Rufous Hummer?

Old Curved Bill

Frio and Willow

Same Curve-billed Thrasher


Pretty Bird

This & next 3:  blooming yuccas Willow and I took a hike together this morning; Dr. K stayed home to get ready for our trip to the high ...