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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Hank the Hummer and Old Curved Bill

The weather felt a bit better for our morning hike; the temp was lower as was the humidity.

Willow, Frio and I followed our normal route, seeing no other human or canine nature lovers in the process.  We did have an encounter with a hummingbird at the ancient yucca, and, later, we met a cooperative Curve-billed Thrasher who posed for photos on an ocotillo branch in the middle branch arroyo.

Tried out a different fanny pack to carry water on this trek; it was OK, but I don't like fanny packs.

Soaptree Yucca

Willow and Frio in the shadow of an ancient Soaptree Yucca

This & next 3:  female Rufous Hummer?

Old Curved Bill

Frio and Willow

Same Curve-billed Thrasher


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the second photo of the female Rufus Hummer.

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