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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

America's Smallest Falcon

View from LDR-A arroyo
Dr. K was under the weather again this morning so it was the "O"s and me on the daily trek.

We did our usual trek, and the highlight, without doubt, was the beautiful American Kestrel posing while I took numerous photos of him.  Even after he took flight and landed on another yucca stalk I was able to capture a few good images of the small falcon.

It was cooler out there today, so all three of we hikers were happy about weather conditions, though we took a few shade and water breaks.  As usual the Heelers were excited to get home and see Dr. K, one of their favorite humans.

Shade break time

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Break in a yucca shadow

North along Right Branch Arroyo

Artsy desert

This & next 2:  same kestrel as above

The "O"s

Same American Kestrel


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those photos of the American Kestrel. My favorite image is the last one.

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