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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Hot and Cooler

1st 2:  Tortugas and the Organs
We had some rain yesterday afternoon and that left a lot of residual moisture in the air.  Willow, Frio and I felt it during the first part of our hike; it was quite miserable out there.

Thank god for clouds, though; they helped block intense sunlight, and a slight breeze helped make conditions bearable.

We did our usual hike, stopping several times for shade and water breaks.  When we finished the trek we took a long ride primarily to listen to Matt Jones and Myron Medcalf.  The Heelers love their sports show.

Big sky

The "O"S in shadow

This & next:  Frio trying to get me to give him treats

This & next:  upper flatland road to trailhead

The right branch arroyo

Soaptree Yucca

Small mesquite tree in the right branch

Barrel Cactus and the mountains

Near the mouth of the right branch arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Such funny photos of Frio trying to give you treats.

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